
2014-05-11 11.22.32

Welcome to the new Bougainville News

This website has been established to provide up to date reports and International media coverage  to our ” Global Community”  on issues affecting Bougainville, PNG and the world.

Technical support for this site is provided by Colin Cowell in Canberra Australia who volunteers his services to assist Bougainville media ,education and tourism

Would welcome news tips and feedback

Aloysius Laukai


+675 71915292

+675 72553439,

+675 73621031

Email address




In Australia

Colin Cowell

International Communication Consultant

“Friend of Bougainville since 1970″

Email: colincowellredcent@hotmail.com

In Australia 0401 33 1251

From PNG +61 401 331 251


4 comments on “About

  1. Thanks AL. In this day and age when dissemination of information can mean the difference between a population that is uninformed and ignorant and a population that has an appreciable understanding and awareness about what is going on in Bougainville and the world that we are a part of, we need mediums like Bougainville News to play a big part in informing the the people that we are a part of a large global community. We may be an Island in the sun beaming with pride and passion about our short rich history and the hopes we are waiting to materialise into the future. But we must at the same time be all so acutely aware that what happens elsewhere, be it politics, social, economic or cultural will always have some bearing and influence in how we progress and relate to others as a member of the larger regional and international community. I am hopeful that Bougainville News can attract a readership and following – including our elected leadership – that will become more informed and more worldly wise through the efforts of this website. Thanks Al. SGP

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